Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company shall rent the Equipment, as specified in the Equipment Schedule, on the conditions set out in this Agreement.

The Equipment shall at all times remain the property of Mac Rental Company Limited. The Customer shall not part with possession of the Equipment nor dispose of, charge, pledge or underlet the same, nor attempt to do so.

Rental Period

The rental of any Equipment shall commence on the date of the Rental Agreement. It will continue until either Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company or the Customer terminates as defined in clauses 22 to 29.

Rental Payment

The Customer will pay the Rental cost shown on the invoice supplied or as agreed by writing. This Rental shall be paid on the payment periods specified. After the expiry of the term of this agreement any further payments are to be made at the same rental rate.

All rental figures shown are exclusive of Value Added Tax. Value Added Tax at the current rate is payable in addition to the Rental payments within the terms of Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company agreement.

Rental Increases

Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company reserves the right to vary the Rental Terms after the expiry of the agreement by giving one month’s written notice.

Customers Obligations

The Customer shall not suffer the Equipment to be taken by way of distress or execution and shall indemnify Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company against any loss damage costs and expenses which Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company may incur for the purpose of preserving the Equipment from such distress or execution or of recovering it.

The customer and / or any associated 3rd party undertaking work for the customer is not to deface, remove or otherwise interfere with the markings on the Equipment showing Mac Rental Company Limited’s ownership.

The customer and / or any associated 3rd party undertaking work for the customer shall use the Equipment in a proper manner as described in the instruction Manual and not to attempt to interfere or tamper with the Equipment except to make normal adjustments. Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company reserves the right to charge for callouts due to incorrect operation.

The Customer is responsible for the cost of repairs needed due to misuse, whether caused by the customer and / or any 3rd party undertaking work for the customer. The costs of any repairs due to misuse shall be paid by the customer to Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company by the end of the rental period or be removed from any deposit paid.

The Customer shall allow Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company and his agents to enter the address at which the Equipment is installed to inspect and if necessary to repair or replace the Equipment or to recover the goods at the end of the rental period if late or refusal to return the rental goods.

The Customer is to notify Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company immediately if the Equipment suffers any damage or fails to operate properly. Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company is not responsible for faulty tape products or other media that might be used.In the event of rental goods failing, Mac Rental Company responsibilities end at the replacement or full or partial refund of the rental of goods for the down failure time. It is the customers responsibility to indemnify or insure itself against expenses incurred due to the rental goods failure and the duration of failure.

Subject to Paragraph 12 neither party shall have any liability to the other party for any:

(a) loss of profit (direct or indirect);
(b) loss of revenue, loss of production or loss of business (in each case whether direct or indirect);
(c) loss of goodwill, loss of reputation, loss of opportunity and/or loss of operation (in each case whether direct or indirect);
(d) loss of anticipated saving or loss of margin (in each case whether direct or indirect);
(e) liability of the other party to third parties (whether direct or indirect); or
(f) indirect, consequential or special loss, arising out of or in connection with the Contract, whether in contract, tort, misrepresentation, under statute or otherwise, howsoever caused including by negligence and/or arising from a breach of, or a failure to perform or defect or delay in performance of, any of that party’s obligations under the Contract and/or any defect in or breakdown of the Equipment or the Equipment’s unsuitability for the Hirer’s intended purpose.


The Customer is liable for any loss or damage of or to the equipment and is therefore strongly advised to ensure the equipment is insured against any such loss or damage for the value specified within these terms and conditions.

The Customer notifies Mac Rental Company Ltd Limited immediately of any loss by theft, damage or otherwise of the Equipment.

The Customer notifies the Insurance Company on any claim of the interest held on any Equipment by Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company allowing, if possible, direct settlement of the value of the Equipment between the Insurance Company and Mac Rental Company Limited. Until Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company has received a proper reimbursement, the Customer shall continue to pay the Rental payments due. Any Equipment replaced prior to this will be subject to a new Rental Agreement.

Dealer’s obligations

Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company agrees to repair the Equipment in the event of failure. If this is not possible it will be replaced by similar or better Equipment within seven days whichwill be subject to the terms of this Agreement.

Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company is not responsible for any loss of use of the Equipment due to failure.

Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company will be liable for negligently will not be liable for any injury, death or damage to persons or property or for any other losses whatsoever arising out of installation, possession or use of the Equipment or of its non-performance or otherwise in connection with this Agreement.

Juicy IT Rental Company T/A Mac Rental Company will exercise due care in selecting its staff and agents but will not be responsible for any act or default of such staff or agents which could not have been foreseen and prevented by the exercise of reasonable care by Mac Rental Company Limited.

Central London Office
North London Office
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020 7523 5326

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday : 8am to 5pm
Friday : 8am to 3pm

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© 2024 Juicy Mac Rentals